Faith Formation for Children and Youth
“…their eyes were opened and they recognized him…” ~Luke 24:31
Registration is Now Open for Students in Grade 1 through 9
Click Here for the Registration Form
Class schedules are emailed directly to parents/guardians who have registered their child(ren)/youth in our program.
Important Dates
Sunday, September 22
First Holy Communion meeting for parents & students after the 10 AM Mass at St. Thomas More in the parish hall.
Sunday, September 29
Classes begin for grades 1-4 at St. Veronica Chapel
Confirmation meeting for parents & students at 6 PM at St. Thomas More in the parish hall.
Monday, September 30
Classes begin for grades 1-4 at St. Thomas More
Wednesday, October 2
Classes begin for grades 5-8 at St. Veronica Chapel
St. Thomas More uses the Faith and Life series from Ignatius Press for grades one through eight. This series presents Catholic teaching using time-tested ecclesial methodology and spiritual development in a beautiful, student-friendly, and comprehensive format. Each year has a systematic approach covering foundational truths of the faith as presented in the Catechism. The content of the faith unfolds through salvation history as presented in Sacred Scripture and in Sacred Tradition with each grade level having a specific focus.
Grade 1: Our Heavenly Father
Aim: To introduce first-grade students to the Church’s faith regarding the Triune God, the life of Jesus, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the life of prayer, with a special emphasis on growing to know, love, and trust God.
Grade 2: Jesus Our Life
Aim: To prepare second-grade students for the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion, and to help them appreciate God’s love for them shown in these two sacraments. Students will learn how to receive the Sacrament of Confession, the order of the Mass, and the basics of prayer.
Grade 3: Our Life with Jesus
Aim: To show third-grade students that they belong to God’s chosen people and that the child’s family is an important part of God’s family, the Church. Also, to encourage prayer and love for God’s law.
Grade 4: Jesus Our Guide
Aim: To help fourth-grade students understand their purpose and goal in life, and to see God’s plan in history and society to lead us all to Heaven, our true, eternal home.
Classes for grades 1, 2, 3 & 4 are on Sundays, 10:05 – 10:55 AM at St. Veronica Chapel, or Mondays, 4:10 – 5:00 PM at St. Thomas More.
Grade 5: Credo: I Believe
Aim: To help fifth-grade students acquire a solid knowledge of God and his Church through the understanding of the Creed we profess, and the distinguished truths of our faith from errors that lead away from the love of God.
Grade 6: Following Christ
Aim: To help sixth-grade students learn to love the moral law as Christ did and to cherish and love the Mass as our best prayer to God, and especially to revere and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Grade 7: The Life of Grace
Aim: To help seventh-grade students treasure the sacraments as indispensable to a full Christian life of love and truth. To understand how grace works and its relation to practicing the virtues, and to appreciate our gifts of reason and faith.
Grade 8: Our Life in the Church
Aim: To help eighth-grade students know and love the Church as Christ’s Body, and respond to the teaching of the Magisterium as the sure voice of Jesus, so that young people may be strengthened through their lives in the Church to face the confusion and secularism of modern-day society.
Classes for grades 5, 6, 7 & 8 are on Wednesdays, 5:45 – 6:45 PM at St. Veronica Chapel.
Grade 9: Confirmation
Through continued learning, prayer, service, and fellowship, students prepare their hearts to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Classes for Confirmation are on Sundays, 6-7:15 PM.
(As of September 2023, Fr. Taillon has lowered the age of Confirmation from 10th grade to 9th grade and from a two-year program to a one-year program.)
Catholic Schools
Monsignor Matthew F. Clarke Catholic Regional School is a Diocesan, Catholic co-educational school welcoming students of all faiths from 18 months to grade 8.
5074 Tower Hill Rd, Wakefield, RI 02879
The Prout School is a private, coeducational, college-preparatory high school.
4640 Tower Hill Rd, Wakefield, RI 02879
Bishop Hendricken High School is a Catholic, all-male, college preparatory high school.
2615 Warwick Ave, Warwick, RI 02889
Click for a complete list of Rhode Island Catholic Schools.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is provided on a need basis to practicing families. Inquiries should be made to the Pastor.
Click for more information regarding tuition assistance using the FACTS management program.