Fr. William Tarraza – Monday June 27th – St. Veronica Chapel

Discover the saint behind the statue…

Please plan to join us on Monday night, June 27th at 6:30 PM for a talk by Fr. Will Tarraza, OFM Capuchin, from Washington, D.C.

Many of us know Saint Francis as the patron saint of animals and ecology.  Perhaps we have seen statues of him with birds in gardens or images of him with cuddly animals.  Saint Francis’ devotion to creation and animals is simply because of his love for our Creator, God.  His love for the world touches only the surface of his spirituality.  Join us for an evening of encounter with Saint Francis’ spirituality, who began the devotion to the Christmas Creche, proclaimed Christ to the Muslim Sultan, and embraced the stigmata of the Cross as he prepared for “sister death”.  Please come join Fr Will Tarraza, OFM Cap on Monday evening, June 27th as we discover the saint behind the statue.

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