Mum Sale & Food Drive – September 19th & 20th
Mum Sale & Food Drive – September 19th & 20th
On Saturday September 19th and Sunday September 20th, the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a drive-thru mum sale and food drive at both St. Thomas More and St. Veronica parking lots.
Mum Sale & Food Drive Schedule – Saturday Sept. 19th & Sunday Sept. 20th
St. Thomas More Church
3 PM – 6 PM
9 AM – 12 PM
St. Veronica Chapel
2 PM – 5 PM
8 AM – 12PM
With the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more families are struggling to meet basic needs such as housing and food. During the drive-thru hours above, we will be collecting food items to help local families.
Please feel free to stop by and make a canned good or non-perishable food donation.
All collected items will be donated to a local food pantry.
Any Questions? Please contact the Knights at