Corona virus and St. Thomas More
March 12, 2020
Brothers and Sisters,
Blessings of Lent! I pray this sacred time to pray, fast, and give alms is helping you to know Christ. I thought in light of the present challenge with the Corona virus I would update you on our parish efforts as well as make some suggestions.
Our efforts:
-We have removed the holy water from the fonts two weeks ago.
-We have eliminated the sign of peace, which is an optional part of the Mass.
-Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist will now use Purell before and after receiving the Body of Christ.
-The churches are sanitized with bleach after every Mass and wipes are available at the church entrances in addition to Purell.
Requests for you:
If you are sick we ask you to stay home and instead watch the Mass that is live streamed online at each church.
Go to and click the blue button in the middle of the screen that says “watch live|archived videos” to see video streaming. Select the church of your choice. Broadcasts are live at the time of each Mass and can also be viewed later in the “archives”. Our Lenten mission talks are also available at St. Thomas More “Special Events”.
If you are well and are in attendance at mass, you may want to spread out in church and keep a small distance from those around you – greet them with a smile not a handshake or hug.
The Eucharist is the Divine Physician, the antibiotic against sin, loneliness, illness and fear. May this lent and our circumstances make this a time for increased desire for Jesus and the sacraments.
I encourage all of you not so much to sing happy birthday when you wash your hands but instead to say two Hail Mary’s – you may get a whole rosary in by the end of the day!
I hope this experience is a time of humble faith and trust in the Lord.
God Bless you!
Fr. Taillon