Mass Reservations

What to expect… Re-opening St. Veronica Chapel & Msgr. Halloran Hall

Reservations: All attendees must make a reservation through the “Signup Genius” link as found at

Click here to make a reservation using Signup Genius

Masks: Everyone must wear a mask for the entire Mass up until the moment they receive communion then immediately put it back on. Disposable masks will be available if needed.

Hand Sanitizer: Parishioners are encouraged to bring hand sanitizer to Mass. Dispensing stations will be available if needed.

Collections: Budget envelopes can be placed in one of the Lucite collection boxes located in the doorways of the chapel and hall.

Arrival at St. Veronica Chapel and Msgr. Halloran Hall:

• Please arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled Mass time.

• Pull into parking lot and proceed down to the center doors.

• A parking attendant will confirm your reservation and instruct you/your household where you will be sitting (Chapel or Msgr. Halloran Hall).

• Note, if one does not have a reservation, they will not be permitted in the chapel or hall and will be instructed to sign up on-line for the following week.

• Parishioners assigned to the Chapel will enter through the center doors and a greeter inside will show them to their seat(s).

• Parishioners assigned to Msgr. Halloran Hall will enter through the single hall door and a greeter inside will show them to their seat(s).

• Note, these are the only 2 doors that will be open. Access from Msgr. Halloran Hall to the chapel is not permitted.

• Singing is discouraged during the Mass. Please open your hearts to listen to the word of God and the hymns played by our musicians.

• The Holy Eucharist must be received in the hand without gloves through a plexiglass window that Father Taillon will be standing behind.

• Everyone is required to stay in their assigned seat(s) the entire Mass with the exception of receiving the Eucharist or needing to use the restroom (please, only one person at a time).

• Upon conclusion of the Mass, greeters will instruct attendees, by section, to leave the chapel or hall.




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